food freedom

The Silver Lining of Life After Chronic Dieting


I'm finding the silver lining through my years of toiling with an unhealthy relationship with food and hating myself lean. I spent too many years of my life living in fear and scarcity around food rules. I self-destructed after living a life of food restrictions such as forbidding carbs, demonizing sugar, and repelling processed foods. I was a meticulous macro counter who spent a lifetime hating my body at all shapes and sizes thinking happiness was another 5 lbs leaner.

After making peace with food and healing my relationship with my body image, I can honestly say that there was some good in all of this. Hear more about my story HERE.

Not only in the fact that I found out that a life of "only clean eating" and living a meticulous "fitspo life" was NOT the life that made me happy. Rather, it was the realization that my worth didn't come from needing a body shape that was approved and loved by others. It came from my need to approve and love myself on a level that required no weight or body fat percentage target.

I learned a lot about myself venturing into this Food Freedom world while understanding how a cookie and a salad can both have a place at my table without guilt or shame sprinkled on top. In fact, if it wasn’t for a life of chronic dieting, I never would have found some of the greatest food loves of my life.

💪🏽 If it weren’t for my #bodybuilding phase, I would have never found all the ways to pimp my oatmeal with protein powder and make protein oat parfaits. I still eat those to this day! It is next to impossible for me to have a meal without wanting protein in it now. Although I love my protein and can make a quick, protein-packed meal that will satisfy and nourish the shit outta my day, I don't force it on myself anymore or make myself hit a certain amount of grams. Now, I can eat pizza without calling it a cheat meal and it doesn't leave me guilt-ridden over the fact that I had a meal without much protein in it.

🍎 If it weren’t for my #cleaneating #whole30 minimalist phase, I wouldn’t have known how much I love eating just an apple for a snack without any additions to it. This one took me a while, but I absolutely love the fact that simple foods can satiate me and leave me feeling satisfied. Fruit for dessert, Yes, Please! But don't discount the fact that I still love my Brownies and Twist Cones with sprinkles.

🥦 If it weren’t for my #lowcarb phase, I wouldn’t have known how creative I can get with adding vegetables to our meals. I'm not talking spaghetti squash or cauliflower rice. Ugh, that meal will hold me over for a whole 10 minutes before I needed more food. But rather, adding carrots to meatloaf or adding in some fresh, cold, and crisp cucumber slices alongside my pizza because it sounds good and brings a different texture into my meal. Adding in veggies is a natural thing for me in meals. But just like before, I never force it if I truly don't want it.

🌶 If it weren’t for my #mealprep phase, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have realized the convenience factor of having ready-to-go nourishment. I also did this while my son was in his toddler years so he found a love for new foods and he now eats cherry tomatoes like popcorn. Cue your toddler wanting whatever you have in your hand while prepping meals. But I also have no guilt if a Sunday at the Zoo takes over my Meal Prep time and we do a lot of takeout that week.

⏰ If it wasn’t for my #intermittentfasting phase, I never would have known that my body actually likes to eat more in the morning then taper down at night. This one took me a while to realize, however, my body needs more food at the beginning of my day and less in the evening. Although, I don't get upset when a midnight snack is on the table when we have a heated game of Monopoly going with my brother and Sister-in-law.

🥯 If it weren’t for my #keto #paleo phase, I wouldn’t have the knowledge or creative meal ideas when our son got diagnosed with #celiacdisease. I instantly knew how to combine meals together in a nourishing way. However, I don't beat myself up when we sit down for a family dinner of Cheerios, scrambled eggs, and toast at the dinner table.

🥗 If it weren’t for my #guthealth phase I never would’ve found my love for Kombucha and fermented vegetables 🤤 YUM!!! Gimme them probiotics! 

So yes, I have learned a lot from my chronic dieting journey. I am thankful for the experiences and the failures it took me through. I can use what I liked from these diets and throw out all the rules.

If you are on a specific diet, restricting calories or tracking, know that I don’t judge you. I’m just sharing my specific journey and how this helped me. We are all in different seasons of our lives and I had to travel through that dark one to get where I am today.

But if you’re constantly trying to find the perfect diet because all the rest have failed, join my COURAGEOUS email crew HERE so you can take a break from dieting and learn how ALL foods can coexist in your personal version of health. Because it is impossible to go back to the life you were living once you’ve made peace with food. 

Need more help? Check out my resources HERE!


Written with love, hope, and a shit load of carbs,

By Christi Brown

Certified Health Coach, PN1

Founder of Intuitively Strong


50% Complete

Two Step

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