food freedom

How to Become Mentally Fit

If you haven't heard, working on your Mental Health is the cool new thing you have to try. I'm not saying this is a sleazy way, but rather because COVID and quarantine tore my mental health up. I think a lot of us are dealing with some fucked up situations in our heads right now and we're all doing our best to get back.
But how?
I spent all Sunday weeding our flowerbeds at our new house.
I know... not how I pictured Sunday-Funday either because this is not my favorite activity. But in some weirdly odd way, it felt cathartic to me. Plus, it just felt so damn good when it was all done.
Yes, I celebrated with a cold beer afterward. Thank you #foundersbrewingco
But with it not being done in a while, this took a long-ass time. Not only were there a lot of weeds because #maintinance dammit! But the weeds were all so different and some were WAY more time-consuming than others. Some of the weeds were so small and barely noticeable, others I thought were beautiful planted greenery but they were actually vicious weeds that would eventually take over if we didn’t take them out. Some were deeply rooted while others came out so easily.
As my back started yelling at me, I arched my back in the opposite direction for some relief and began connecting a mental thought to my Cinderella-weeding presence. I started to picture all of my inner insecurities, fears, and judgments about myself as weeds that were growing in the garden of my mind. 
  • insults people threw at me with gas-lit intentions
  • perfectionist punishments I would tell myself if I didn't achieve something at a high level
  • outside factors that affected me that I resented and played victim to
  • disdain for the extra weight I was carrying around that made me feel unworthy and uncomfortable in this beautiful backyard of mine
  • fear and judgment from myself and others
  • comparison of who I thought I should be and shame for who I wasn't
  • and wondering if my choices thus far have been good enough while simultaneously worrying if I can handle what's coming next
I’m not gonna get all woo woo on you, but I know this will hit home, so stay with me.
There was one weed in particular that really caught me by surprise. I pretty much have a black thumb so all of you who know what this is are probably laughing, but I had no clue what this was because the roots were bright orange and it looked like something from Stranger Things and like I had just entered the upside-down. 
As I started pulling up a big nasty bushel of this monstrous beast, this sucker felt like it was rooted to the core of the earth. I tried digging it out with my hands, but that didn’t do the trick. I had to eventually get a spade, then after that failed, I had to get a shovel. At this point, I was pissed off and I needed this thing to come out because it had suddenly become my arch-nemesis. 
As I finally got to the Mothership, I took it out and felt like I had just defeated a demon from hell and saved the earth.
You're welcome.
But this one weed took me 20 minutes to get out. And after that, I was spent. 
The point is, some of our weeds or "insecurities and fears" are deep. They will take time and work to uncover and eventually dispose of. And even after that, more will grow underneath in places we believe are weed-free.  
I don't say this to discourage you, but rather, I say it because this is life. And without these weeds, we would live in a desolate area with nothing to grow. Life is always going to give us new weeds as we adapt, change, and live our lives. Because with new growth and development comes nurturing maintenance and consistent care to keep our gardens healthy and thriving. Even though some weeds will be ours to own, we must accept the fact that others will have blown in from a neighboring yard. 
Either way, this is the garden of our mind and it is ours to OWN and take care of. Although help is always welcome, It is not the responsibility of others to do this for us. This is something we need to cultivate on our own. 
I know you're busy, but hot damn, we have to do something to start the weeding process.
We need accountability to show up knowing that even though some of these roots will come out, others are just so deep, that they will have to be maintained as we see them.  
So, how are you staying Mentally Fit?
How are you weeding the garden of your mind and staying accountable to do so?
If you need some help, this is why I've created the #EatToTheBeat Monthly Masterclass. For $17/month, you get monthly accountability through our private community along with Monthly Masterclasses and workbooks. 
This is your chance to take advantage of weeding the garden of your mind with built-in times and talking points each month for you to focus on. Stop the binge/restrict cycle and learn how to #EatToTheBeat of your mind. Learn how to become your own best friend through my body image remixes and start making fitness a healthy habit, not an obsessive one.
Are you ready to #EatToTheBeat? Click HERE and join the fam!
Your Balanced AF Nutritionist, Christi Brown, PN1

50% Complete

Two Step

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