food freedom

A Message for the Clean-Plate-Club Gang


...And why you might be finding it hard to stop eating when you're full.


We’ve all been there. 🍽⁣

“I’m not hungry but I feel like I have to finish this.”⁣

“I only have a few bites left, I might as well kill it.”⁣

“I shouldn’t waste this so I’ll eat it even though I’m full.”⁣

“I’m getting really stuffed but I’ll just finish it so I don’t hurt their feelings.”⁣

“I don’t know when I’ll be able to eat this again so I’ll just eat it all now.”⁣


Food can be used as leftovers, reheated for another meal or snack, given to a friend, or even used in addition to another meal. Yet out of habit, we eat an entire plate of food, regardless of how full we are or the size of the portion because of the scarcity mindsets above.⁣



We can clean our plates for fear of hurting someone’s feelings because they made something for us. So we put our own feelings aside and harm ourselves in the process of overeating and ignoring our self-care and hunger cues.⁣

πŸ™ŒπŸ½ SOLUTION: Tell them you’ll take the rest home and eat it when you’re hungry. Tell them you’d rather eat it when you can enjoy it in its entirety instead of eating it when you’re not hungry. Or, take a bite then tell them you’ll take the rest home and enjoy it later. ⁣



Last Supper Mentality- A phrase coined by the two dieticians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch who created the Intuitive Eating book. You’re restricting food but calling this a cheat day so you eat as much as possible, ignoring your fullness cues because you don’t know when you’re going to get this food again.⁣ "The diet starts again on Monday!" Usually follows that thought. Or, "I never get to eat this kind of food because I'm _________ (on vacation, out at a certain restaurant, or having a cheat day.)"

πŸ™ŒπŸ½ SOLUTION: Stop restricting foods and allow all foods to fit in amounts that feel good to you. πŸ˜‰ I can help you with this HERE.



We were taught that not finishing our food is wasteful. Whether you were a part of the Clean-Plate-Club-Gang or if your family had fewer means growing up and not finishing everything on your plate made you feel like you were throwing away money; both of these scenarios are real and valid.⁣

πŸ™ŒπŸ½ SOLUTION: If you’re not keeping leftovers, you can either waste this food in your stomach or you can waste it in the garbage. Either way, you’re still wasting. Waste in a way that supports you the best.⁣


All of these thought patterns come from a scarcity mindset laden with guilt and shame for not eating the prescribed amount on our plates. This can create a huge vat of restriction, disgrace, and unconscious liability in our minds that boils over into the depths of our character; all so we don’t “waste,” hurt someone’s feelings, or bargain with ourselves to stay on plan. ⁣


But what happens to YOU when you eat more than is comfortable? If you want to start healing your relationship with food, stop binge eating, and be able to trust yourself around all foods, then I need you to start putting your needs first. Be selfish if you must, but understand that you are #1 and you need to do what’s best for you. Start putting your self-awareness and self-care before anything or anyone else. Because you’re just as important.⁣


These matured seeds of guilt planted into us at a young age can grow into a strong barrier of resentment that disregards our fullness levels based on old and outdated beliefs. 

So, let’s dig into what finding our satisfaction in a meal looks and feels like.

I can help you with this!

  • Become an Intuitively Strong Insider and join my email community. Then, send me an email back and tell me about yourself!
  • Got $35? Get my 5 Steps to Food Freedom Webinar replay complete with a workbook and begin your journey here!
  • Work One on One with me through my 6-month COURAGEOUS NOURISHER Course.
  • Schedule a free Discovery Call with me so I can hear your story and direct you to your new life of honoring your hunger and respecting your fullness.





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