food freedom

Be first to know when my next 12-week COURAGEOUS NOURISHER Academy opens up again in late November 2022! 

I only run this course 2 times throughout the year, so save your seat and get a discounted price when I open this gem back up for being my VIP!

"Am I allowed to eat this"

"But if you let me eat ice cream, I'll never be able to stop! It's happened before!"

“I’m so sick of sneaking food and feeling like I can’t keep certain foods in the house.”

"I don't know what hungry or full feels like!"

"I feel stuck and have no clue how to start living a life of balance. Everything I try isn't working!"

"I have so much emotion, guilt, shame, and anxiety around food and I don’t know how to stop!"

"I'm afraid to gain weight but I know something needs to change! I just need some structure and guidance!"

Well, my friend, you are in the right place because I have been there, too. And you don't need another diet, you need to heal your relationship with food.

These made-up diet rules in your head is what’s holding you back.

You need to trust YOURSELF, not the wellness plan your Aunt Karen went on, lost 20 pounds in a month on, then gained it all back +10 lbs and couldn’t sustain that “lifestyle” anymore.

 You need to balance your FOOD, not your macro calculator.

You need to focus on how food makes YOU FEEL rather than how food and exercise will make others feel about your body.

True health shouldn’t control your life, it should ENHANCE it.

Anxiety, judgement and shame have no place on your plate.

Stop fixating on the look of health and start focusing on actual health itself.

And most importantly, let me teach you how to change your self-talk, your food choices, and your body image, not change it to fit the societal standards of “health.”


  • Frequently eating healthy then uncontrollably bingeing week after week
  • eating less because of what you ate the day before
  • forcefully eating by the time on the clock and ignoring the signals of your body
  • fearing certain foods like carbs, sugars or fats
  • chronically dieting, counting, or trying to only eat “clean”
  • gaining and losing the same 5-20 lbs over and over again
  • having frequent battered body image days
  • never feeling good enough around your body or food
  • focusing on the scale rather than taking care of your body
  • thinking self-confidence and happiness is in losing weight
  • having severe anxiety around food or your body when going out
  • constantly stuck in fix-it-mode around your body
  • consistently meal plan/diet hopping
  • have a list of “good” or “bad” foods to live by
  • over-exercising as a punishment for what you ate before
  • living the all-or-nothing mentality of, "if I can’t get a full workout in then I won’t workout at all!"



It’s time to finally feel in control around food again!


  • Welcome Week! This BONUS week will not have a call, but rather a self-paced lesson to get you in the right mindset before we start this journey.
  • Week 1: How to Allow All Foods to Fit - Go deep into the unconditional permission to eat world while we do interactive-inner-work to help release your intensity around food. 
  • Week 2: Understanding your triggers for overeating - Learn where your fear of weight gain actually comes from and discover how to shift your mindset from earn-and-burn to health as self-care. Drop the scale and get your life back with my MINDFUL EATING guided structure.
  • Week 3: The Hunger Games - Find Your Hunger Cues Again. Learn your secret biological and psychological responses to decide whether you need to eat more or less food along with understanding your 4 types of hunger and how to eat with them.
  • Week 4: Ending the War with Food - Dive deep into the dark ways you are still depriving yourself and master releasing the guilt and shame from your plate while still feeling nourished.
  • Week 5: Uncovering Your Anxiety Around Food - Learn and name the voices in your head that are currently depriving you of living your best life. Explore where you're at on the Food Freedom Ladder of growth and learn how to climb the next rung.
  • Week 6: WTF is Mindful Eating? - Embody mindful eating and learn how to navigate around the social pressures of food judgment. Build your appetite awareness through my tried and true methods to help you feel your fullness and gain control around your food choices.
  • Week 7: How to Feel Satisfied with your Food - Learn my tools to discover what satisfies you and what helps you respect your fullness.
  • Week 8: Emotional Eating 101 - Understand how the wheel of emotional eating turns then use the tools I give you to put a kink in your habit loop and turn it around. Learn how to dissect the root cause of emotional eating through my emotional mind map.
  • Week 9: Learning to Respect Your Body - Become best friends with your body through my Step by Step Body & Mind Method that helps you travel the spectrum from hating your body to respecting it.
  • Week 10: Change the Way you View Exercise - Find out how to stay consistent with movement that doesn't involve punishment for what you ate the night before.
  • Week 11: Your Fear of Weight Gain Explained and Unraveled - Get face to face with your underlying insecurities surrounding your fear of weight gain and get to the root of your body image issues.
  • Week 12: Load your Toolkit - Round out your 12-weeks with my Intuitive Eating playbook and charge your mindful army with my Nutrition Spectrum. This secret playbook is not offered anywhere else! 
This is a 6 Month Course Just for you
This is a 6 Month Course Just for you

Get ready for 12 weeks of intense rebuilding! Here’s what you get!

  • Intense weekly group coaching calls led by me, on how to repair your relationship with food and your body image. Here, you join your new crew in a small and personal Zoom Room along with others starting this journey who know exactly how you feel and can understand the struggles you’re facing! (Each call will be about 1.5-ish hours long). REPLAYS WILL BE AVAILABLE for you to keep FORRR-EVVV-ERRR (say it like Squints says it in the Sandlot). *PS We will have A LOT of hearty laughs together.
  • Workbooks will be sent out to you for the first 6-weeks and pair directly with that week's lesson. This is an interactive learning style to help personalize your journey and give it structure. Come in your favorite sweatshirt, a printout of the workbook, and stick your pen in your messy bun… cuz it’s gonna get lit with intention on these calls!
  • You also get a private invite to our intimate, online community that is safe and trusted with your real and raw struggles. Get your support on, send us your food pics, give and take advice, and make food freedom friends for a lifetime! (Seriously this always happens! And I love it!)
  • You’ll also receive weekly homework (or Soulwork as I call it) to help you work through your sticking points. This is course is also stacked with daily and weekly journaling prompts.
  • Something new I’ve added this round is my personal support videos I send to my One-on-One Clients during their journey with me. Each week, you’ll also receive a psychological support video to help you get through the mental side of this journey! Something no one else does!

You can’t afford to go another month stuck in this binge/restrict hell. It’s time to invest into your self-care, your relationship with food, and YOURSELF! You shouldn’t have to choose between “health” and “enjoying your life.” I believe you can have both, so you don’t have to live in a black or white world with “good” or “bad” foods anymore.

Are you ready to finally know what it feels like to forget about that candy in your pantry because you are now able to eat it when you want, in amounts that feel good to you? Instead of eating the whole family size bag on the way home from the grocery store so no one else sees you and you promise, “THIS IS THE LAST TIME!?” (Been there, done that!)

 Then release the tension in your shoulders, put some real creamer in your coffee, and let's change your diet plan into a sustainable journey to health as self-care.

This is a 6 Month Course Just for you

Be first to know when my next 12-week COURAGEOUS NOURISHER Academy opens up again in late November 2022! 

I only run this course 2 times throughout the year, so save your seat and get a discounted price when I open this gem back up for being my VIP!

Become an Intuitively Strong Insider

I would LOVE to be a part of your inbox! I am genuinely curious to know your story. So, let's get to know each other. YOUR FREE GIFT IS ON ITS WAY! *Check your SPAM/JUNK/PROMOTIONS folder if you do not receive this immediately to verify your email address first.
