food freedom

27. 5 Steps to Exploring Your Munchies Without Bingeing

How do you use cannabis, get high, take a gummy (whatever you wanna call it)... and NOT binge?!

How do you eat healthy when you're high?

How do you stop eating after taking a gummy?

It's no secret that THC makes you feel hungry, even if you're not. It can feel like this little hunger gremlin takes over and sabotages you and your efforts to eat balanced and intuitively... even if you're a seasoned pro! 🙋🏽‍♀️

Let me take you through my 5-step process to snack confidently after using cannabis.

  1. Don't do this one thing before you get high
  2. Explore your "high snack" limits
  3. Don't use cannabis as a special occasion to binge
  4. Use my DIP20 Method to explore your munchies without bingeing or overeating
  5. Redirect your sensation using these techniques 



  • 📽️ Get the Taste of Food Freedom Workshop and Learn the 5 Steps to Food Freedom! *Includes live workshop replay and workbook!
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